
Creating Sacred Space

In this workshop, we will practice creating a new and very useful space within self that is sacred -- an empowered energy field that helps to clear illusions and encourages self confidence.

Creating Sacred Space is an art -- the art of awakening new consciousness and inner light. This space is a central core of self that needs acknowledgement to expand into natural confidence and expression.

This is a space where you can feel safe and feel your personal power, encouraging a new foundation within self. It feels like coming home -- with everything that YOU are, instead of a description that the world has dictated. It leads to more trust within self, respect for others and helps us to remember who we truly are.

Information and exercises will be introduced to help you explore your personal energy patterns as you interact with others. Becoming aware of your patterns and boundaries helps you to relate more naturally and effortlessly with others.

Participants from all walks of life continue to report many benefits received through the concepts learned in this workshop. Therapists, medical staff and anyone involved energetically with people also appreciate a new understanding of the use of personal energy while performing their services.

Q: Why is Creating Sacred Space important now ?

A: As the world moves through the current shift, you will welcome this space as the eye within a storm.
Here you can:

• Unfold your individuality and inner strength without the invasion of outside authority.

• Empower yourself through the release of negativity and old beliefs that may no longer be serving you.

• Manage your energy wisely instead of exhausting yourself by giving it away.

• Maintain your emotional balance and increase personal energy level through higher healing connections.

What you learn and practice here will help you to surf the shifting waves of energy we are experiencing on Earth at this time.

• Alignment, victim consciousness, sovereignty and interdependence.
• Concept of sacred space -- Boundaries vs Defense
• Inner work to brighten and broaden your spiritual core
• Energy exercises to improve your interaction with others.

• Practical use of sacred space to help others - in healing, teaching and community activities
• Concept and practice of Spiritual Ego and Spiritual Etiquette
• Energy exercises to enhance your sense of sovereignty and boundaries
• Inner Work to attract higher energy to your waveform

Date: February 3, 2018
Time: 13:30 am to 17:30 pm
Place: Tokyo - Asagaya
Fee: 8.000 yen

Please contact us for reservation details »


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